*ENG below*
Tere jälle!
Kolmas sessioon toimub Genialistide Klubis, Magasini 5, 30. juunil kell 19–21! Kolmanda seansi teemaks on Helide Kuninganna!
Meil on üleval märgid, mis juhatavad õige suuna kätte ja kui te ikka ei leia õiget kohta, siis otsige inimest, kellel on must DnD logoga t-särk!
Kohad on piiratud, sellest tulenevalt reserveerige endale kindlasti koht, kuna sinna on lubatud ainult need, kellel on broneering!
Pange oma süda kiiremini põksuma jumalike poosidega!
Hello again!
This summer’s sessions are special as we are collaborating with Magasini Tänava Suvila! The third session will take place on the 30th of june from 19 to 21 at Genialistide Klubi! The theme for the third session is Goddess of Sound!
Don’t worry, we’ll have signs pointing in the right direction and if you still can’t find the right place, look for a person wearing a black t-shirt with the DnD logo!
The seats are numbered so be sure to reserve yourself a seat as only those with reservations are allowed in!
As for the supplies, if you don’t have any or want to try something new you can pick something from our trusty Kunst & Hobi supply crate!
Get your heart rate up with the godly poses!
I hope to see you all soon!