
24 okt
Freakshow – Strych:9 Debüütkontsert – Deformation, Inter Omega
On käes aeg teha näitus nendest, kes end peidavad pimedate figuuride taha. Freakshow tutvustab teid vastsündinud siluettidele, kes on projekti STRYCH:9 taga. Külalisi kostitatakse intensiivse audio-visuaalse etteastega ning selle osana kõlab esmakordselt avalikult tulevase debüütalbumi materjal, millest leiab vihjeid nii nu-, death- kui ka industrial metalile.
Tutvu Strych:9 debüütsingli ja videoga “Sacrifice”:
Inter Omega on viieliikmeline progressiivset modernset metalit viljelev bänd Tartust. Bändi debüütsingel «Pieces» ilmus 2016. aasta suvel, pärast mida on noormehed andnud välja püsivalt uusi videosingleid, kuniks valmis omanimeline debüütalbum 2019. aasta märtsis. Inter Omega on oma muusika jaoks inspiratsiooni ammutanud bändidest nagu Periphery, Tesseract, Intervals ja Meshuggah ning hetkel töötab bänd uue materjali kallal, mis juba varsti ilmavalgust näeb.
DEFORMATION /../. Kompromissitu hardcore Tartust. Meestel on turjal kümneid aastaid kogemusi ja nad ei häbene seda kõike sulle ühe korraga näkku lajatada. Toores, vihane, täpselt nii nagu üks õige hardcore olema peab.
“Sins we have made”
Ürituse pilet: 7€
The time has come for an exhibit of people behind the dark figures. Freakshow will introduce you to the newborn silhouettes behind the group STRYCH:9. Guests will be greeted by an intense audio-visual performance, the show includes unreleased material from their upcoming full-length debut album highly inspired by Nu-, Death and Industrial Metal.
Strych:9 debut single “Sacrifice”:
Inter Omega is a five-piece progressive metal band from Tartu. Forming in 2015 they released their first single Pieces and continued with a string of singles and videos leading up to their self-titled debut album in 2019. Inter Omega takes inspiration from bands such as Periphery, Tesseract and even Meshuggah. The guys have gigged across Estonia with their first festival this summer at Käbliku Beer Camp & Rock’n’Roll. Currently the band is working on new material expected to be released in the near future.
DEFORMATION /../. Uncompromising hardcore from Tartu. Men have decades of experience on the back and they are not ashamed to put it all on your face at once. Raw, angry, just like one real hardcore must be.
“Sins we have made”
Ticket price: 7€