Saabuval teisipäeval tuleb Genialistide Klubisse loengut andma Urmas Hõbepappel. Loengu fookuseks on Hiina poliitfilosoofias inimloomuse-ja õiguste määramine. Juttu tuleb ka sellest, kuidas üksikinimene ennast Hiina Kommunistliku Partei varjus olevas ühiskonnas paigutama peaks. Samuti seob lektor teemad rahvusvaheliste suhetega kitsamalt, analüüsides milliseid probleeme on Hiinale iseloomulik poliitfilosoofia kaasa toonud riigi suhetes läänemaailmaga.
Urmas Hõbepappel on analüütik Tartu Ülikoolis alates 2020. aastast ning tema kitsam uurimisvaldkond on tänapäevane Hiina ühiskond ning Hiina poliitiline filosoofia ja inimõigused. Ta on omandanud magistrikraadi Tartu Ülikoolis usuteaduskonnast 2008. aastal ning on praegu ka doktorant Tartu Ülikooli Johan Skytte poliitikauuringute instituudis.
For upcoming Tuesday, our guest at the Genialistide Klubi is going to be Urmas Hõbepappel. The main focus of next week’s lecture is going to be on the definition of human nature and human rights in the Chinese political philosophy. The lecturer is also going to talk about how the individual should place himself or herself in the Chinese society according to the Chinese Communist Party doctrine. The topics are also going to be to connected with International Relations by analysing how the Chinese political philosophy has affected the country’s relations with the West.
Urmas Hõbepappel is an analyst at the University of Tartu since 2020 and his main research topics are contemporary Chinese society and Chinese political thought and human rights. He obtained a master’s degree from the School of Theology and Religious Studies at the University of Tartu in 2008. Right now, he is also a doctoral student at the Johan Skytte Institute of Political Studies at the University of Tartu.