Psühhodisko VII rahvusvaheline konverents “Vuntsidega funk”
7th International Conference of Psühhodisko, “Mustache Funk”
Tänavune Psühhodisko konverents “Vuntsidega funk” toimub 10. ja 11. septembril Tartus Elektriteatris, Barlovas ning Genialistide Klubis. Konverentsi teema “Vuntsidega funk” viitab Ukrainas 60–70ndatel ellu ärganud muusikaliikumisele, mis viis kokku folk- ja tolleaegse funk sugemetega pop-muusika, impulsid Idast ning Läänest. Nii avavad ka konverentsil seekord psühhodisko ja funk-muusika maailma loengud, filmi linastus ja helid nii minevikust kui ka tänapäevast, mõtted Ida-Euroopast kui ka ookeani tagant. Seekordset konverentsi aitab kaaskorraldada Estonian Funk Embassy.
Psühhodisko 7. rahvusvahelise konverentsi esinejad: Nicole Willis (FIN), Kalifornia-Keke (FIN), Vitalii “Bard” Bardetskyi (UKR, “Mustache Funk” / GRAM), Alexis Charpentier (CAN, Music Is My Sanctuary), Dmytro Nikolaienko (UKR, Shukai), Henrik Ehte (EST, Groove of ESSR, Estonian Funk Embassy), Ahto Külvet (EST, Psühhoteek), Ingvar Kassuk (EST, Groove Of ESSR)
Kell 19 “Vuntsidega funk’’ – Ukraina 60-70ndate muusikaliikumisi tutvustav dokumentaalfilm Tartu Elektriteatris. Linastusele järgneb vestlus filmi stsenaristi Vitalii Bardetskyiga.
Kell 21.30 näituse “Vuntsidega funk: Ukraina ja Eesti 1960–70ndate muusikaskene” avamine Barlovas.
Näitusele sissepääs tasuta
Kell 15-18.30 Genialistide Klubis
Psühhodisko VII rahvusvahelise konverentsi “Vuntsidega funk” loengud (inglise keeles)
Alexis Charpentier (CAN, Music Is My Sanctuary): “Vinyl Excursions — Why exploring a new culture should start at the record store”
When traveling to a foreign city, visiting the local record store is often the best place to get an understanding of its music culture and form an instant emotional connection. Vinyl records (other formats as well), both from the past and present, are a great mirror of a country’s cultural context.
The record store has always served as a cultural hub where DJs, collectors, musicians, and culturally curious people can all connect. It is a living, breathing ecosystem that simply cannot be recreated online.
Alexis Charpentier (aka Lexis), founder of Music Is My Sanctuary and TED Talk Speaker (2018) will share a few of his favorite worldwide record digging expeditions — lifelong connections he made in record stores from Belgrade to Tartu, London, Pittsburgh and Shanghai. He will also take you on an imaginary tour of his home city of Montreal and its best stores, and play a few holy grail records as well.
Dmytro Nikolaienko (UKR, Shukai Records): “Soviet Music for Films and Television, and Music of the Outsider Composers”
Since the revival of the vinyl format in the previous decade, many new record labels appeared as well as the new phenomenon of archival/reissue labels. French, Italian, British, German, Americal labels are reissuing records that sold out 50-20 years ago, but there is a new demand for it now. The “first time on vinyl” soundtracks, “lost tapes never heard before”, rare library music or forgotten amateurs and “bedroom producers” — it’s time to revisit and reselect what was unfairly missed. In the beginning of the 2010s, a group of enthusiasts asked themselves, why is there no label taking care of local musical archaeology? The answer was Shukai that appeared in 2018, but the preparation started much earlier, in 2012. It is an archive record label focused on bringing back to life the lost tapes from 60–90s — Soviet film and television music and music by the outsider composers, found in national and private archives. The lecture focuses on the problems of the process, hardships of working with the archives and artists, and why we need to preserve Soviet Ukraine’s musical heritage.
Ingvar Kassuk (EST, Groove Of ESSR) and Henrik Ehte (EST, Groove Of ESSR): “On the Path To Find the Groove of ESSR”
Estonian Funk Embassy has since 2018 been on a journey to discover grooves in funk, soul, jazz and disco. It’s been one filled with tears, sweat, but above all else, joy. It’s fulfilling, to say the least, to shed light on pieces of incredible music from the nooks and corners of the Estonian Radio archives. On the path to compile Groove of ESSR, we’ve met wonderful people and heard stories about how music was written, produced, performed and shared during the Soviet era. On the Estonian Funk Embassy radio show, we’ve had guests who made it all happen in the 70s-80s. The lecture will bring to light some of those stories, and the origin of the funk-soul-disco movement. It will also aim to give a short overview of the process from diving into the ocean of music, finding the pearls, and making them available to music lovers around the world.
Kell 21 Psühhodisko ja Estonian Funk Embassy ühispidu: Nicole Willis (LIVE)
Enne ja pärast Nicole Willise esinemist mängivad plaate DJ-d:
Ahto Külvet (EST, Psühhoteek)
Alexis Charpentier (CAN, Music Is My Sanctuary)
Henrik Ehte (EST, Estonian Funk Embassy)
Vitalii Bardetskyi (UKR, “Mustache Funk”)
Piletid: 10 € (kuni 10.09.21) / 15 € (peo toimumise päeval)
OLULINE: lähtuvalt valitsuse korraldusest on ürituste külastajal kohustus esitada koos piletiga kehtiv COVID-19 tõend: vaktsineerimistõend; COVID-19 läbipõdemise tõend; kehtiv negatiivne antigeeni test või negatiivne PCR-testi sertifikaat.
7. rahvusvahelise Psühhodisko konverentsi korraldamist toetavad: Tartu linn, Kultuurkapitali helikunsti sihtkapital ja Tartumaa ekspertgrupp
7th International Conference of Psühhodisko, “Mustache Funk”
This year, the annual Psühhodisko conference is “oustache Funk” and it will take place on September 10 and 11 in Tartu, Estonia. The venues will be Elektriteater, Barlova and Genialistide Klubi. The name of the conference implies a music movement born in 60s and 70s in Ukraine which fused folk music and the funky pop music of the day, East and West. As always, the conference is filled with lectures about psühhodisko and funk music, film screening and sounds from the past and today, ideas from Eastern Europe and from over the ocean. The conference is co-hosted by Estonian Funk Embassy.
Artists and presenters of the 7th International Conference of Psühhodisko: Nicole Willis (FIN), Kalifornia-Keke (FIN), Vitalii “Bard” Bardetskyi (UKR, “Mustache Funk” / GRAM), Alexis Charpentier (CAN, Music Is My Sanctuary), Dmytro Nikolaienko (UKR, Shukai), Henrik Ehte (EST, Groove of ESSR, Estonian Funk Embassy), Ahto Külvet (EST, Psühhoteek), Ingvar Kassuk (EST, Groove Of ESSR)
At 7 pm “Mustache Funk” at Tartu Elektriteater – a music documentary giving an interesting overview of the Ukrainian music scene in the 1960s and ‘70s and music movements in Ukraine. The screening will be followed by a discussion between the screenwriter Vitalii “Bard” Bardetskyi and music journalist Maarja Merivoo-Parro.
9.30 pm at Barlova opening of the exhibition “Mustache Funk: Ukrainian and Estonian music scene in 1960–70s”
Free entry
3 pm-6.30 pm at Genialistide Klubi
Lectures of the 7th International Conference of Psühhodisko, “Mustache Funk”. Speakers and topics:
Alexis Charpentier (CAN, Music Is My Sanctuary): “Vinyl Excursions — Why exploring a new culture should start at the record store”
When traveling to a foreign city, visiting the local record store is often the best place to get an understanding of its music culture and form an instant emotional connection. Vinyl records (other formats as well), both from the past and present, are a great mirror of a country’s cultural context.
The record store has always served as a cultural hub where DJs, collectors, musicians, and culturally curious people can all connect. It is a living, breathing ecosystem that simply cannot be recreated online.
Alexis Charpentier (aka Lexis), founder of Music Is My Sanctuary and TED Talk Speaker (2018) will share a few of his favorite worldwide record digging expeditions — lifelong connections he made in record stores from Belgrade to Tartu, London, Pittsburgh and Shanghai. He will also take you on an imaginary tour of his home city of Montreal and its best stores, and play a few holy grail records as well.
Dmytro Nikolaienko (UKR, Shukai Records): “Soviet Music for Films and Television, and Music of the Outsider Composers”
Since the revival of the vinyl format in the previous decade, many new record labels appeared as well as the new phenomenon of archival/reissue labels. French, Italian, British, German, Americal labels are reissuing records that sold out 50-20 years ago, but there is a new demand for it now. The “first time on vinyl” soundtracks, “lost tapes never heard before”, rare library music or forgotten amateurs and “bedroom producers” — it’s time to revisit and reselect what was unfairly missed. In the beginning of the 2010s, a group of enthusiasts asked themselves, why is there no label taking care of local musical archaeology? The answer was Shukai that appeared in 2018, but the preparation started much earlier, in 2012. It is an archive record label focused on bringing back to life the lost tapes from 60–90s — Soviet film and television music and music by the outsider composers, found in national and private archives. The lecture focuses on the problems of the process, hardships of working with the archives and artists, and why we need to preserve Soviet Ukraine’s musical heritage.
Ingvar Kassuk (EST, Groove Of ESSR) and Henrik Ehte (EST, Groove Of ESSR): “On the Path To Find the Groove of ESSR”
Estonian Funk Embassy has since 2018 been on a journey to discover grooves in funk, soul, jazz and disco. It’s been one filled with tears, sweat, but above all else, joy. It’s fulfilling, to say the least, to shed light on pieces of incredible music from the nooks and corners of the Estonian Radio archives. On the path to compile Groove of ESSR, we’ve met wonderful people and heard stories about how music was written, produced, performed and shared during the Soviet era. On the Estonian Funk Embassy radio show, we’ve had guests who made it all happen in the 70s-80s. The lecture will bring to light some of those stories, and the origin of the funk-soul-disco movement. It will also aim to give a short overview of the process from diving into the ocean of music, finding the pearls, and making them available to music lovers around the world.
9 pm at Genialistide Klubi
Joint Groove by Psühhoteek and Estonian Funk Embassy: Nicole Willis LIVE
DJs to perform before and after Nicole Willis:
Ahto Külvet (EST, Psühhoteek)
Alexis Charpentier (CAN, Music is My Sanctuary)
Henrik Ehte (EST, Estonian Funk Embassy)
Vitalii “Bard” Bardetskyi (UKR, “Mustache Funk” / GRAM)