
18 aug
Ratastel tätoveerija – Yana
Seekordne tätoveerija on taas Yana, kes on juba tuttav neile, kes on juba see suvi Suvilas mõne tätoveeringu teha lasknud. Lisaks oli Yanat tihti meil näha ka eelmisel aastal.
Yana ütleb enda kohta nii: “Lately I’ve been enjoying making tattoos in “linocut printmaking” style. So I’ll offer you to get a tattoo of a print of something special to you (key, favourite necklace jewellery, leaf, lips of your loved one, paw of your pet etc.) Bring your favourite stuff, lips 👄 and paws 🐾 with you and we will try to make a print of it on your skin🤩🤪
Also I am ready to make some freehand hearts, flowers, dots, letters and goofy animals 🐈🐶🐰🐹🐾🦋🐝🧸🐸
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