[English below]
Kl 19-22: me mängime svingmuusikat ja 1950-ndate rock’n’rolli. Tule tantsima.
Kui tahad Tartus toimuvate sving tantsu tundide kohta rohkem teada, külasta tantsuklubi Tartu Swingi kodulehte:
http://tartuswing.ee/. Uus algajate kursus algab 10. veebruar.
Swing ja Roll Dance Evening
19-22: we’ll play some swing and some 1950s rock’n’roll in the small dance hall on the first floor. Come dance.
If you want to know more about swing dance classes in Tartu, then go visit the dance club Tartu Swing homepage:
http://tartuswing.ee/. A new beginners’ class starts 10th February.