Tasuta swingtantsu taster tund (19.00-20.00):
Tund on mõeldud neile, kes on swingtantsus algajad. Kõik huvilised on teretulnud! Tund algab 19.00 esimesel korrusel (väikses saalis baari vastas).
Swing-tantsuõhtu (20.00-22.00):
Mängime svingmuusikat tantsuks (samas kohas kui tund).
Free swing dance taster class (19.00-20.00):
The class is meant for those who’ve never tried swing before or are beginners. Everyone is welcome. The class starts at 19.00 on the ground floor (in the small hall opposite from the bar).
Swing dance night (20.00-22.00):
We are going to play swing music for you and anyone to dance to, on the ground floor (same place as the class).