
15 juuni

Talenti leiab kõikjalt, kuid neid, kellel on midagi öelda ja viis panna teisi end kuulama, see on teine asi. Ja kui sa ei lähe ja ei proovi, siis sa ei tea seda iial. See on lihtsalt tõde. (Jack filmist “Täht on sündinud”)

📣 Hooaja viimasel heterosõbralikul vikerpeol ootame esinema just sind! Näita mida oskad – olgu selleks stand-up, drag show, lipsync, burlesque, tantsukava, luule, performance või midagi hoopis muud – meie lavalauad ootavad sind! 💛
Esinemissoovist anna teada hiljemalt 13.juuniks või FBs @vikerruum

🎭 DJ puldis:
Marek Peterson
uZaZa & marmar

Pilet: esimene tund 5 / hiljem 8

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And there’s one reason we’re supposed to be here is to say something so people want to hear. So you got to grab it, and you don’t apologize, and you don’t worry about why they’re listening, or how long they’re going to be listening for, you just tell them what you want to say.
(Jack from “A Star Is Born”)

📣 At the season’s last heterofriendly queer party we’re inviting YOU to step on the stage! Show us what you got – do stand-up or a drag show, have a dance battle, read some poetry, lip sync to your fav song or do something completely unexpected! 💛
But let us know of your plans by the 13th of June at the latest by writing to @vikerruum or

🎭 DJ lineup: Marek Peterson, MaBu, uZaZa & marmar

Entrance: first hour 5 / later 8