
20 veebr
ESN Tartu Karaoke Night

Erasmus Student Network Tartu karaokeõhtu.
Võimalus tutvuda uute välistudengitega. Sündmusel toimub suhtlus inglise keeles.

Get ready to unleash your inner rockstar under the sparkling lights of our Karaoke Nights , where melodies collide and stars are born! Join us on the Karaoke night for an electrifying journey through music, where every song is an opportunity to shine through!

  • By attending this event you automatically give us permission to take pictures, videos
    and use them for promotional purposes.
  • Please note: This event was organised by members of ESN in Tartu to help you get
    the most out of your Erasmus life! All ESN events are non-profit and organised by students on a voluntary basis