Käes on aegade kaos ehk väga märgiline aeg Tartu kultuurielus. Genialistid läksid pärast 18 aastat Suure Kontserdiga laiali, ent Genialistide Klubi saab täisealiseks, ning pidutseb edasi! Zavood sulges mõne aasta eest ja inventar on juba mitmes muuseumis, ent värskelt avati Zav raeplatsi nurgal.
Järjekorras üheksateistkümnenda Genialistide Klubi hooaja avapaugu annavad tõeliselt kirevad esinejad.
6. septembril panevad lavalauad ja südamed värisema:
LIVE: FLORIAN WAHL on ainulaadne artist, kelle muusika pakatab huumorist ja hullusest. Teda painavad sürreaalsed suurusluulud ning dekadentsi vaimud. “Koomiline, ikooniline, perversselt armas ja hüsteeriliselt rahustav,” seisab biograafias.
Valge Tüdruk on etenduskunstnik Elina Masingu alter-ego, kelle etteasted ei jäta kedagi külmaks. Need on performatiivsed, vabaduse eest, ning stereotüüpide ja ignorantsuse vastu võitlevad, ning žanriliselt eklektilised. Ta on ka elektroonilise muusika produtsent ja artist, kes saab end täielikult välja elada vaid laval.
Mees, kes ei vaja tutvustamist. Kes siis Marcot ei teaks!?
Marco laulab meile kooliaasta alguse puhul kindlasti lugusid “Kooli kooli kooli” ning “Spordipäev”
https://www.youtube.com/user/MarcoTasane/videosMarco ihu-DJna teeb etteaste DJ HETRO
Enne ning pärast artiste mängib kõik uued ja vanad tuntud lood ette Vikerilt ja HMPlt tuntud dünaamiline Tartu duo: DJ Kristina ja Rassel
Esimese korruse saali teeb tempokaks DJ Alan Raig (Vikerruum, Lollipop)
Vanusepiirang: 18+
Uksed kell 21:00
Pilet: 10€ (võta kaasa sularaha, et kiiremini tuppa pääseda)
GenClub 19th season opening party on 6th of September. This time we have lined up an explosive cocktail of colourful performers.
Florian is an artist who strays on the boundaries of reality and fantasy. His art is comic, iconic, perversely cute, and hysterically soothing. No one knows exactly if he is a diva dilettante, an eccentric educator, or the owner of an illegal wig shop? On stage, he has been described as an enigmatic, cryptic and always explosive creature. His performances are unique, unparallel and they will blow your mind!
Valge Tüdruk (white girl) is an independent provocative performance art act who’s focused on raising controversial issues (gender/poverty/politics/ignorance). Her goal is to reflect on current social situation and make it into hard (in Estonian “kõva”) music and performance. Ravescape. The name itself Valge Tüdruk criticizes the privileges of a basic Estonian girl. His provocations gave her a great visibility. Valge Tüdruk is not afraid of anything or anyone and Her music ranges from art-pop to interlingual rap, from hip hop beats to poetical slow jams, from trashy homemade post-internet sounds to concrete techno.
A man who is best known for his lavish looks and impressively chiselled body, yet in the last 10 years he has concentrated on doing music videos and giving quirky insights to blending everyday troubles and life of an entertainer.
Before and after the bands we have a spicy DJ-duo playing the best dance music from the last decades:
Kristina Mentsikainen
Rassel Illak
Downstairs we have a DJ Alan playing you upbeat songs.
Entrance: 18+
Doors: 21:00
TICKET: 10€ (bring cash for faster entry – card terminal takes time)