
29 nov
Kai Humphries – Gallivanting
Ära maga maha seda fantastilist õhtut koos auhinnatud stand-up koomiku, podcasti hääle ja autoriga Kai Humphriesiga, kes on viimase paari aasta jooksul koos Daniel Slossiga tuuritanud 55. riigis, esinedes suurtes teatrites ja areenidel üle kogumaailma.
Kai on kaasautor populaarse “Sloss and Humphries on the Road” Podcastis ning regulaarne külaline “Have A Word” ja “Hot Water’s Green Room” Podcastides.
“Gallivanting” on Kai 10. soolotund, kuid tema esimene ulatuslik tuur Ühendkuningriigis, sest ta on kõikjal mujal väga nõutud! Varasemalt on Kai tuuritanud soolotunniga üle kogu Austraalia ja Euroopa ning esinenud isegi New York Broadwayl. Lõpuks on populaarne Geordie leidnud aega, et minna ringi tuuritama mööda Ühendkuningriiki ning meil on hea meel tervitada Kaid ka esmakordselt oma soolotuuriga Eestis – kui te armastate parimat live-komöödiat, siis see on show just teile!
Kai nakkav entusiasm ning siiralt lõbus ja meeleolukas materjal on toonud talle fännid üle kogu maailma. “Gallivanting” on korralikke naerupahvakuid pakkuv tund, mis jätab publikule hea enesetunde veel pikaks ajaks.
  • Massiivselt naljakas… hõõgub positiivsetest vibratsioonidest…” ★★★★ (Scotsman)
  • ‘Absoluutselt geniaalne… Puhas stand-up… aus, usutav ja rõõmsameelne, sa ei saa teda mitte armastada… Fantastiline’ ★★★★★ (Voice Mag)
  • ‘Fenomenaalselt naljakas… Fantastiline koomik, kes on korraga nutikas, naljakas ja toores… alati optimistlik karisma, mis surub meid pendeldama naeru ja empaatia vahel… Ei tohi vahele jätta!’ (Broadway Baby)
  • “Päikeseline sõbralikkus ja võimatu sümpaatsus, mis muudab tema räige huumori vallatuks ja läbinisti solvamatuks… lõbus!” (Three Weeks)
  • “See on alati suurepärane kogemus, kui koomik lihtsalt tabab naelapea pihta- see geordie koomik saab koheselt hoo sisse… festivali tipphetk.” ★★★★★ (Australia Times)
KAI HUMPHRIES VIDEOKLIPP: | FB + Twitter + INSTA KaiHumphries | Tik Tok @kai_humphries
PODCAST Youtube Sloss ja Humphries on the Road –…/UCvwdPhUIvRp_dvjmAt3iDAg/videos
Kai Humphries: Gallivanting
Uksed 18:30
Show algab 19:00
Üritus on täielikult inglise keeles
Hoiatus: Lavastus sisaldab mõningaid teravaid sõnu. Soovitatav vanusele 14+
MZA + Comedy Estonia
Don’t miss this fantastic night out with award-winning stand-up, podcaster and author, Kai Humphries, who for the past few years has toured live in 55 countries with Daniel Sloss, opening in massive theatres and arenas all over the world.
Co-star of the brilliantly funny ‘Sloss and Humphries on the Road’ podcast as well as a regular guest on the smash-hits ‘Have A Word’ and ‘Hot Water’s Green Room’, this is Kai’s 10th solo hour but his first extensive UK tour as he’s in so much demand everywhere else! He has already toured solo across Australia and Europe and even performed a smash-hit run off-Broadway in New York, and now the popular Geordie has finally found time to go gallivanting all around the UK and we are delighted to welcome Kai to Estonia first time with his solotour – if you love the very best in live comedy, then this show is for you!
Kai’s infectious enthusiasm and genuinely hilarious and upbeat material has won him a fan base around the world. Gallivanting! is a proper laugh-out-loud hour of no gimmicks stand-up to entertain and leave his audience feeling good.
Massively funny… glows with positive vibes…’ ★★★★ (Scotsman)
‘Absolutely brilliant… Pure stand-up… honest, relatable and upbeat, you can’t help but like him… Fabulous’ ★★★★★ (Voice Mag)
‘Phenomenally funny… A fantastic comic who is smart, funny, and crude all at once… perpetually upbeat charisma, pushing and pulling us between laughter and empathy… Not to be missed!’ (Broadway Baby)
‘Sunny friendliness and impossible likeability that makes his rude humour feel mischievous and thoroughly inoffensive… hilarious!’ (Three Weeks)
‘It’s always an awesome experience when a performer just nails it – this Geordie comedian gets it so right from the very beginning… a festival highlight’ ★★★★★ (Australia Times)
KAI HUMPHRIES CLIP: | FB + Twitter + INSTA KaiHumphries | Tik Tok @kai_humphries
PODCAST Youtube Sloss and Humphries on the Road –…/UCvwdPhUIvRp_dvjmAt3iDAg/videos
Kai Humphries: Gallivanting
Doors 18:30
Showtime 19:00
The show is presented entirely in English
Warning: The show contains some strong language. Recommended for 14+ years.